
Friday, August 31, 2012

DIY Tutorial: Upcycled Feed Bag Aprons

Since my last post was so long re: my Upcycled Feed Bag Totes, I promised a separate post about how to make the aprons.  Here we go…DSCN9190My first apron is hanging on the left in the above photo….made with a Wrangler 10 Sweet Livestock Feed bag.  The thing I love about these is that the apron is water-resistant and can easily be wiped off.  I am pretty messy sometimes, so I love the idea of an apron that I don’t have to worry about too much.

Here is how I made it:
Using an old apron to check for size, lay out a clean, empty feed bag on your craft table. 
As you can see, the bag is just the right length for an apron! Sweet!
Next, cut the bag open…splitting the side panels down the center to make sure you have enough width.DSCN9165Then, using your old apron as a pattern, cut one side of the apron top out.  I folded the bag in half and cut the other side to keep things symmetrical.DSCN9166And, there it is…looking a little like an apron now.DSCN9167Using the remaining back and sides of the bag, cut four (4) strips for the ties.  The maroon ones I left full length for the waist ties.  The white one is shorter for around the neck.  I also cut a short strip in white for the adjustable part of the neck strap.DSCN9169I folded all of the straps in on both sides about 1/4-1/2” along the length and then folded the entire strip in half lengthwise.  Using a zig-zag stitch, sew all four sides to make your straps.  I added two rings to the shortest strap…this makes the neck strap adjustable. (**This is really not necessary, but I had the rings and have done this before, so I did it.  For future aprons, I think I will just make a big enough neck strap that one can slip it over his/her head.)DSCN9171Fold over a hem (folded over on itself so that no ends show) all the way around the apron.  You really cannot press this material for fear of melting, but I found that a few strategically placed pins worked just fine to hold things in place.  Then, zig-zag stitch the entire apron.DSCN9170Stitch your straps in place.  I stitched them on in a square to really reinforce them since they will get the most wear & tear.  And, that is it…you have a cute upcycled apron!  DSCN9182I have a friend who is saving some Deer Corn bags for me…wouldn’t that make a great man’s BBQ apron?

Note:  I forgot to mention how I cleaned these bags and got the smell out of them.  I hosed them off outside and let them air dry at first, but the smell persisted.  So, I wound-up rinsing them out in the bathtub and then letting them soak in water with some vinegar and a little soap.  Worked like a charm.  For persistent stains/grime, I used a Clorox Wipe.

Are you going to try to make an apron?  Let me know if you do!

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