Not only did my mother find a great door for her guest room headboard project (for only $50), but I found a door (only $50 including cool keyhole hardware), an old Dr. Pepper crate (my favorite soda!), and a beautiful stained glass window!
I have wanted a window like this for such a long time, but they are so pricey. This one has a small piece of lead missing (no biggie to me) so it was on clearance and I got a discount for visiting their website and FB page....what a deal for $40!!
Now decision time: Where and how to hang the window?? Do I put the crate on the kitchen wall (like a shelf) or leave it as-is on top of the cabinets??
I know what I want to do with the door……more to come on that project.
What a happy treasure huntin’ day!
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Great finds....